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The clerks at Enterprise Chambers are experienced and knowledgeable. The clerking team headed by Michael Ireland is able to advise clients on suitable Counsel and assists with efficient case management.

Chambers accepts instructions from professional clients, licensed access clients and public access clients. Initial enquires should be made to the clerks who will be able to advise you further.

Terms of Work

From 31st January 2013, ‘The Standard Contractual Terms for the Supply of Legal Services by Barristers to Authorised Persons 2020 will apply to all instructions received or accepted by members of Enterprise Chambers unless otherwise agreed in writing prior to the commencement of the work.  Please see our ‘Terms of Work’ which can be found here

However, Enterprise Chambers is committed to ensuring that work is undertaken by counsel on mutually agreeable terms.  If you would prefer to contract on terms which are different from the New Standard Terms, for example COMBAR terms, please contact us at your earliest convenience and we will be happy to discuss terms of work further.



All fee discussions go through the clerking team at Enterprise Chambers. Clients can contact the team to obtain a quotation for legal services using the details provided on the contact us page of the website.

Common fee structures depend on the type of case and the work required.  Typical examples are hourly rates, fixed fees or brief fees and refreshers. A brief fee is a fixed fee for a hearing which covers counsel’s preparation time for the whole hearing plus the first day in court. A refresher is a fixed fee for each subsequent day of the hearing. All fees are subject to VAT where applicable.


Practice Areas

Chambers’ practice areas can be found under the practice area section of the website.  Members’ profile pages give further information about the practices and experience of our barristers. The legal services provided most often by members are:

Advocacy: The members of Enterprise Chambers appear regularly before the courts of England and Wales, domestic and international arbitral tribunals and the courts of other jurisdictions, particularly the Cayman Islands and the BVI.

Advisory: Members are able to advise in writing and orally at any stage of matters in which they receive instructions.  They are able to appear as expert witnesses in foreign proceedings.  Some individual members are qualified in other jurisdictions.

Drafting: Members have vast experience in drafting documents relevant to Chambers’ practice areas, including court documents and transactional documents.  They are able to review and comment on materials drafted by professional or lay clients

Mediation: Several members are mediators accredited by CEDR.



Timescales for the provision of legal services may vary depending on factors such as: barrister availability, complexity, the volume of documents for review, the need for further information, court waiting times and the urgency of the matter.



Barristers and staff at Enterprise Chambers aim to provide high levels of service. However, in the event that you are dissatisfied with the service you have received, Chambers operates a complaints procedure.

Clients may complain directly to Chambers without going through a solicitor or licensed access intermediary. Any complaint will be handled promptly and courteously and in accordance with Chambers’ complaints procedure.

Our complaints procedure is available for download here. Hard copies are available on request.

Our complaints procedure makes clear that you have the right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman (LeO) and how to do it. You can search for decisions by the LeO on their website: LeO: Decision Data


Barrister Register

The Bar Standard Board (BSB) regulates members of Enterprise Chambers. The BSB runs a Barrister Register database.  This database contains information on barristers who hold current practising certificates and are authorised to practice in England and Wales.  It contains information about disciplinary findings published on the BSB’s website in accordance with its policy.

The database can be found here:  Barrister Register


Public Access

Some members of Chambers have undertaken training to accept instructions direct from lay clients without the need to instruct a solicitor. Members who have undertaken this training are able to provide advice, drafting and advocacy services direct to members of the public.  A guide on how to instruct a barrister under the public access scheme can be found here.

Upon receipt of instructions and prior to any work being undertaken you will receive a client care letter which stipulates the conditions upon which the instructions are accepted.  You must sign and return this letter before work starts.

If you are instructing us on a public access basis in relation to a winding up petition (whether applying for a winding up order or defending the application) or on an Inheritance Act advice please view our policy statement below

Winding Up Policy

Inheritance Act policy


Diversity Data

Below is an anonymised summary of responses received by members and staff from a diversity data survey conducted in May 2021 pursuant to Bar Standards Board requirements. The survey was volunatry, and so the data provided represents those members and staff who chose to respond. In order to maintain anonymity, where fewer than 10 people fell within a particular category, that figure is represented by “<10”.

To view our diversity data please click here


Barristers regulated by the Bar Standards Board.